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WISE-SOE International MA/PhD Research Workshop

Date: 2019-01-03 Times:

On the 26th, 27th and 28th of December, the first-ever three day International MA/PhD Research Workshop took place. Students and faculty members of WISE-SOE gathered in the School of Economics to hear thesis presentations from 13 MA candidates and 1 PhD candidate. Each student had an uninterrupted 10 minutes to present their research, with about 10 minutes for questions, discussion and critique of their work. A total of 14 students signed up to take part in the workshop, and it ran each day from 4.40pm to 6.20pm. Below you will find the workshop titles and the fields of interest to our students.

There was an atmosphere of anxious anticipation when students gathered in room N301, as they prepared to open themselves up to constructive criticism on the fruits of their hard work so far. Each student made their best effort in pitching their ideas and getting their points across to the audience. Both faculty members and fellow classmates offered their comments and advice, and the presenters both took the advice in their stride whilst clearing some points and answering some questions about their work.

The students after the workshop said that whilst it was nerve wracking, it was beneficial to practice presenting skills and receive feedback on their research. Some students expressed their hope and interest for similar workshops in the future. WISE-SOE will continue to provide opportunities and a platform to students in order to present and improve upon their work. After all, a proper educational experience is a well-rounded one. Learning starts at the end of your comfort zone, and WISE-SOE encourages all students to take advantage of these opportunities to receive constructive criticism on your work.