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Bootstrap analysis of mutual fund performance

id: 2601 Date: 20220609 Times:
Magazines   Available online 14 May 2022
AuthorHaitao Huang, Lei Jiang, Xuan Leng, Liang Peng
ContentWe study bootstrap methods for fund performance evaluation. We first show that two prominent bootstrap tests have biased test sizes in a large cross-section with short time series and lack test power to detect skilled funds when a substantial number of unskilled funds are present. We then develop the theory for a valid bootstrap Hotelling’s T-squared test for zero alpha. We apply the proposed bootstrap test in a practical two-step procedure to identify skilled funds. Our empirical analysis finds that skilled funds are more engaged in active management and hold stocks with higher expected anomalous returns.
KeywordsBootstrap; Edgeworth expansion; Hotelling's; T-squared test; Mutual fund performance