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Do Imports Crowd Out Domestic Consumption? A Comparative Study of China,Japan and Korea

id: 2188 Date: 20131014 status: published Times:
Magazines   23 (2012), PP1036–1050
AuthorChuanglian Chen, Guojin Chen, Shujie Yao
ContentA decline in the relative price of imported goods compared to that of domestically produced goods, e.g., caused by domestic currency appreciation, may have different effects on domestic consumption. Such effects may not be accurately detected and measured in a classical permanent-income model without considering consumption habit formation as pointed out by Nishiyama (2005). To resolve this problem, this paper employs an extended permanent-income model which encompasses consumption habit formation. Both cointegration analysis and GMM are used to estimate the (modified) intertemporal elasticities of substitution (IES) between imports and domestic consumption and the parameters of habit formation as well as the (modified) intratemporal elasticities of substitution (AES). We find that import and domestic consumptions are complements in China, but substitutes in Japan and Korea. Different per capita incomes and consumer behaviors between China and the other two countries are two possible reasons for different relationships between import and domestic consumptions.
JEL-CodesD01, D11, D91
KeywordsHabit formation; Imports and domestic consumption; China, Japan and Korea