征文启事丨2018第二届大中华区金融学术会议(GCFC 2018)

 Call for Papers: The 2nd Greater China Area Finance Conference

June 23-24 (Sat-Sun), 2018Xiamen, China


By School of Economics, Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics & Gregory and Paula Chow Center for Economic Research

Xiamen University,

and School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Science


We are pleased to announce the 2nd Greater China Area Finance conference (GCFC2018) at School of Economics (SOE), the Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE), and Gregory and Paula Chow Center for Economic Research (GCCER), Xiamen University, and School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Science, China. We invite submissions from all areas related to finance, including but not limited to asset pricing, corporate finance, behavioral finance, banking, international finance, and financial econometrics. Empirical research on or theoretical work with empirical applications to financial risk, innovation, stability and regulation in greater China area is particularly welcome.


It is our honor to have the following distinguished keynote speakers this year:


Renee Adams

The University of New South Wales, Australia

Kalok Chan  

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Gregory Chow

Princeton UniversityUSA

Jun-Koo Kang

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Sheridan Titman 

University of Texas at AustinUSA






Researchers interested in participating should submit their papers through our online portal at http://wise.xmu.edu.cn/Meetings/GCFC2018 . If there are web assessing problems, please contact Hui Wang (huiwang.wise@gmail.com ).

The submission deadline is April 15, 2018. Decisions of acceptance will be announced by May 15, 2018.


There will be no registration fees. Meals will be provided during the course of the conference, but the participants are expected to cover their own travel and hotel expenses.




For academic inquiries about the conference, please contact Prof. Yinggang Zhou (ygzhou@xmu.edu.cn).

For logistic affairs, please contact Mr. Qiming Wu (finance@xmu.edu.cn).

Tel: 0592-2183588




The economics and finance disciplines in Xiamen University were first established in 1921 and have a long tradition of excellence in teaching and research. In September of 1981, China's State Education Ministry approved the elevation of the Department of Economics to the School of Economics, making it the first school of economics established among top universities in mainland China since 1978.


Department of Finance at School of Economics, Xiamen University, has a long history back to 1921 as banking program of business department when Xiamen University was established. The department has also experienced a glorious history and become one of top finance programs in Mainland China. It was one of the earliest National Key Discipline (NKD) of Finance in China.


In 2005, the Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE) was founded, as an effort by Xiamen University to build a first class modern economics and finance research institute and to facilitate international research and academic exchanges.


In 2016, Gregory and Paula Chow Center for Economic Research was founded in Xiamen University for developing economic education and research in China. The Chow Center is in action immediately and will welcome noted economists around the world to come to visit.


Currently, SOE, WISE and the Chow Center are working close together to promote Xiamen University as one of the major centers for economic and finance research and education in Asia Pacific.


School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences is one of the most prestigious business schools for educating senior management talents in China. Under the education mode of integration of schools with institutes, both the School of Economics and Management and various institutes of Chinese Academy Science are jointly responsible for the graduate education. 


For more information about WISE, SOE, and the Chow Center, Xiamen University , please see http:/English/, http://wise.xmu.edu.cn/english/, and http://chowcenter.xmu.edu.cn/English.

For more information about School of Economics and Management, UCAS, please see http://mscas-en.ucas.ac.cn/


For more information about the 1st Greater China Finance Conference, please see http://wise.xmu.edu.cn/Meetings/GCFC2016


Located in Southeast China with convenient direct flights to many major cities in Asia, Xiamen is famous for its resort like atmosphere and has a reputation as the cleanest and most livable Chinese city. Interesting places near Xiamen include the UNESCO World Heritage Hakka Earth Buildings, Gulangyu (Piano Island) and Wuyi Mountain. In September 2017, the 9th BRICS summit was held successfully in this picturesque coastal city of Xiamen. For more information on the city of Xiamen, please go to: http://www.whatsonxiamen.com/home.php.


2018第二届大中华区金融学术会议(GCFC 2018






为推动大中华区金融市场的繁荣发展,太阳成tyc7111cc、王亚南经济研究院和中国科学院大学经济与管理学院将于2018623-24日举办第二届大中华区金融学术会议(2018 Greater China Area Finance Conference, GCFC 2018)。本届金融会议现竭诚面向海内外,特别是大中华区的广大金融学者征文,诚挚地欢迎包括资产定价、公司金融、行为金融、货币银行、国际金融、金融计量在内的所有金融相关问题研究的来稿,尤其是关注大中国金融风险、创新、稳定与监管的理论与实证研究。中文和英文均可作为本届金融学术会议的交流语言。


Renee Adams(澳大利亚新南威尔士大学)

陈家乐 (香港中文大学)

邹至庄 (美国普林斯顿大学)

June-Koo Kang  (新加坡南洋理工大学)

Sheridan Titman(美国德州大学奥斯汀分校)





欢迎大家踊跃投稿!如网页访问有问题,可联系邮huiwang.wise@gmail.com .























