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A Robust Equilibrium Relationship between Market Prices of Risks and Risk Aversion in Dynamically Complete Stochastic

id:2038 时间:20131014 状态:published 点击数:
作者Qian Han, Calum G. Turvey
正文We derive a general equilibrium linear relationship between the market prices of risks and market risk aversion under a continuous time stochastic volatility model completed by liquidly traded options. The relation is robust as it is valid for both endowment and production economies, and for both regular time-separable von-Neumann Morgenstern and non-time-separable habit formation preferences. The relation can be used in practice to construct a daily market risk aversion index from options market.
JEL-Codes:C61, D51, G11, G13
关键词:General equilibrium, market price of risk, market risk aversion, market pricing kernel, habit formation, stochastic volatility model