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Equilibrium wage rigidity in directed search

id:2375 时间:20180913 status:published 点击数:
杂志Journal of Mathematical Econom   (2018) 78, 68–78
作者Gabriele Camera, Jaehong Kim
正文Matching frictions and downward wage rigidity emerge as equilibrium phenomena in a two-sided labor market where firms sustain variable wage adjustment costs. Firms post wages to attract workers and matches are endogenous. Reducing the wage relative to the wage previously posted is costly to the firm, where the cost is proportional to the size of the proposed cut. Shocks to the firm’s profitability may yield an equilibrium wage above what the firm would offer absent proportional adjustment costs. Wage cuts can be partial or full, immediate or delayed, and are non-linear in the shock size. Importantly, wages are sticky even if firms have negligible costs for cutting wages.
关键词:Frictions, Matching, Sticky wages