The Round Number Heuristic and Entrepreneur Crowdfunding Performance

Speaker: Tse-Chun Lin
Speaker Intro:

Professor of Finance, The University of Hong Kong




We study the implications of the round number heuristic for goal amounts set by entrepreneurs in crowdfunding campaigns. We ?nd that the goal amounts of reward-based crowdfunding campaigns on Kickstarter exhibit clear clustering at round num-bers. More importantly, the use of round goal amounts is associated with a signi?cantly lower likelihood of campaign success and generally adverse campaign performance for the entrepreneurs. Our results also show that the use of round numbers in prior cam-paigns has predictive power over subsequent campaign success, suggesting that the round number heuristic conveys information about entrepreneur quality. Finally, we ?nd that the likelihood of setting a round goal amount decreases with entrepreneurial experience in crowdfunding, indicating an improved entrepreneur quality via learning by doing.

Time: 2019-04-16(Tuesday)16:40-18:00
Venue: N302, Econ Building
