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Yang, Ziyan

Associate Professor

University of Maryland, College Park Ph.D. in Agricultural and Resource Economics




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Professor Associate Professor Phone
Email zyang@xmu.edu.cn Office D313
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Homepage http://zyang33.weebly.com Job University of Maryland, College Park Ph.D. in Agricultural and Resource Economics

个人简介 研究成果 研究项目


Working Experience

Associate Professor at Department of Economics, School of Economics and Gregory and Paula Chow Center for Economic Research, Xiamen University, August 2021-present

Assistant Professor at Department of Economics, School of Economics and Gregory and Paula Chow Center for Economic Research, Xiamen University, September 2017-July 2021

Short-term Consultant, Agriculture Global Practice, World Bank, Washington D.C., June 2015-June 2017



Ph.D. in Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland, College Park, 2017

B.S. in Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland (Summa Cum Laude), College Park, 2011



Mathematical Economics: Sophomore (校级一流课程)

Institutional Economics: Graduate+Junior/Senior (校级思政示范课程)


Teaching Awards

3rd Place National Teaching Innovation Competition

1st Place Provincial Teaching Innovation Competition

1st Place Teaching Innovation Competition of Xiamen University 


Research Interests

The applications of institutional economics on agricultural development, the new media, and economic history. 




1. Yang, Ziyan*, Zixuan He (2022), Punitive damages and the expectation of economic incentives associated with tort and right protection in the area of intellectual property: Evidence from copyright disputes in the movie industry[知识产权惩罚性赔偿制度与经济激励预期:来自电影著作权纠纷的证据],Nankai Business Review [南开管理评论], accepted.

2. Yang, Ziyan*, Jing Chen (2021), Identifying the dual mechanisms in multi-dimension award incentives: Evidence from a Chinese movie award [奖项激励多维影响的双机制识别:来自中国电影奖项的证据], China Economic Studies [中国经济问题],05, 89-106.

3. Yang, Ziyan (2020), Contract design in China's rural land rental market: Contractual flexibility and rental paymentsJournal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 178, 15-43. 

4. Yang, Ziyan*, Feng Wen (2020), From Employees to Entrepreneurs: Rural Land Rental Market and the Upgrade of Rural Labor Allocation in Non-Agricultural Sectors [从务工到创业——农地流转与农村劳动力转移形式升级], Management World [管理世界], 36(7), 171-184. 

5. Yang, Ziyan (2019), The shadow price of nitrogen: A dynamic analysis of nitrogen-induced soil acidification in China, China Agricultural Economic Review, 3(11), 489-506. [2020 Literati Award: Highly Commended Paper of CAER]

6. Yan, Jianzhong, Ziyan Yang, Zanhong Li, Xiubin Li, Liangjie Xin and Laixiang Sun (2016), Drivers of Cropland Abandonment in Mountainous Areas: A Household Decision Model on Farming Scale and a Case Study of Southwest ChinaLand Use Policy, 57, 459-469.


Policy Opinions

Yang, Ziyan (2019), Suggestions on Investing Grain Production Bases outside Fujian Province [关于加快推进省外粮食生产基地投资建设的建议], accepted by the internal journal of Fujian provincial government cheng guo yao bao [成果要报] and Ba Min Kuai Xun [八闽快讯].


Principal Investigator, General Program of NSF of China

Principal Investigator, Young Scientists Fund of NSF of China

Principal Investigator, Research Fund of Fujian Social Science Foundation