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Wang, Xuexin

Associate Professor

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2012 Ph.D. in Economics




Office Hours:

Research Fields:


Professor Associate Professor Phone 0592-2182202
Email xuexinwang@outlook.com Office D221
Office Hours Research Fields
Homepage https://metrixwang.github.io/ Job Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2012 Ph.D. in Economics

个人简介 研究成果 研究项目

Ph.D in Economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain       2006-2012
M.A in Economics, Fudan University, China                                 2003-2006
B.S in Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China             1997-2001
Research Fields:
Specification Testing;  IV Estimation;  Fixed-smoothing Asymptotics; Empirical Asset Pricing


  1. An Asymptotically F-Distributed Chow Test in the Presence of Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelation, 2022,  Econometric Reviews, 41:2, 177-206 (with Yixiao Sun, UCSD)

  2. A Simple Asymptotically F-Distributed Portmanteau Test for Time Series Models with Uncorrelated Innovations, 2022, JBES, 40:2, 505-521 ( with Yixiao Sun, UCSD)

  3. An Asymptotic F Test for Uncorrelatedness in the Presence of Time Series Dependence, 2020, Journal of Time Series Analysis, 41(4):536-550 (with Yixiao Sun, UCSD)

  4. A New Class of Tests for Overidentifying Restrictions in Moment Condition Models, 2020, Econometric Reviews, Volume 39, 5, 495-509.

  5. Asymptotic F Tests under Possibly Weak Identification, 2020, Journal of Econometrics, 218 (1) 140-177 (with Julián Martínez-Iriarte and Yixiao Sun, UCSD)

  6. A General Approach to Conditional Moment Specification Testing with Projections, 2018, Econometric Reviews, Volume 37, 2, 140-165

  7. A Joint Portmanteau Test for Conditional Mean and Variance Time Series Models, 2015, Journal of Time Series Analysis, Volume 36, 1, 39-60 (with Carlos Velasco, UC3M)


  1. Consistent Estimation of Models Defined by Conditional Moment Restrictions Under Minimal Identifying Conditions (2019)

  2. Improved Consistent Conditional Moment Test for Regression Models in The Presence of Heteroskedasticity of Unknown Form (2013)


  1. A new class of JIVE estimator for linear instrumental variable models.

  2. Instrumental variable estimation via a continuum of instruments with an application to estimating the elasticity of intertemporal substitution in consumption.

  3. A consistent overidentification test for linear models with weak instruments.

  4. Robust moment tests with asymptotically F distributions (with Yixiao Sun, UCSD).

  5. Generalized spectral tests for high dimensional multivariate martingale difference hypotheses


  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 71973115), PI, 2020.01-2023.12, RMB 480,000

  • Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Xiamen University, PI, 2017.1- 2019.12, RMB 100,000

  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 71301136), PI, 2014.01-2016.12, RMB 205,000