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Dongxu Li

Assistant Professor

Ph.D. in Finance, The Ohio State University




Office Hours:

Research Fields:


Professor Assistant Professor Phone 18059240532
Email lidongxu@xmu.edu.cn Office
Office Hours Research Fields
Homepage Job Ph.D. in Finance, The Ohio State University

个人简介 研究成果 研究项目

Research Interests:
Empirical Corporate Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Chinese Enterprises


Professional Service:

Emerging Markets Review (JCR Q1), Associate Editor

Too much to learn? The (un)intended consequences of RegTech development on mergers and acquisitions. (2022). Journal of Corporate Finance, with Ming Gu, and Xiaoran Ni.

 Young Scientist Research Fund for 2021 National Scientific Foundation of China. Project Name: "Detecting the (Anti-)competitive Effects of Digital Platforms: Evidence from Mergers and Acquisitions".