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Lin, Juan

Associate Professor

Beijing Normal Univeristy (Ph.d.) and National Univeristy of Singapore (Postdoc)




Office Hours:Tuesday 3:00-5:00 pm

Research Fields:


Professor Associate Professor Phone
Email linjuan.bnu@gmail.com Office D226
Office Hours Tuesday 3:00-5:00 pm Research Fields
Homepage Job Beijing Normal Univeristy (Ph.d.) and National Univeristy of Singapore (Postdoc)

个人简介 研究成果 研究项目

Working Experiences

Associate Professor (with tenure) at Department of Finance, School of Economics & Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE), Xiamen University, August 2021-now

 Associate Professor at Department of Finance, School of Economics & Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE), Xiamen University, August 2017-now

Assistant Professor at Department of Finance, School of Economics & Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE), Xiamen University, September 2014-July 2017

Lecturer, Department of Finance, School of Management, Fuzhou University, 2005.9 - 2007.6.

Education Background
Ph.D., Economics, Beijing Normal University, 2011.
Joint Ph.D. Program, Department of Economics, Texas A&M University, 2009.7 - 2010.12.
M.S., Economics, Beijing Normal University, 2005.
B.A., Economics, Beijing Normal University, 2002.

Research Interest
Risk Management, International Finance, Financial Econometrics, Nonparametric and Semiparametric Econometrics

* corresponding author

1. Lin J.* and X. Wu. A Hybrid Nonparametric Multivariate Density Estimator with Applications to Risk Management, Econometric Reviews, accepted.

2. 林娟*, 吴春晓张明黄金是人民币汇率风险的对冲工具和安全港吗?《中国管理科学》,2023年第5期

3.    Feng Z. and J. Lin*, 2023. “Macroeconomic uncertainty and firms' investment in China”, Economics Letters226, 111095.

4.    Huang X., J. Lin and P. Wang*, 2022.  "Are institutional investors marching into the crypto market?", Economics Letters, 220, 110856.

5.     Lin J.*, X. Wu and P. Yang, 2022. "Dynamic dependence and risk spillovers between RMB onshore spot and offshore NDF markets", Applied Economics, 54 (60), 6850-6862.

6.      Chen Y., J. Lin* and X. Wu, 2022, "Revisiting the return-volatility relationship of exchange rates: New evidence from offshore RMB", Pacific Economic Review, 27(3), 277-294.

7. 林娟*,赵海龙沪深股市和香港股市的风险溢出效应研究---基于时变Delta CoVaR模型的分析.《系统工程理论与实践》, 2020, 40(6), 1533-1544.

8.      Lin J.* and X. Wu, 2020, "A Diagnostic Test for Specification of Copulas under Censorship", Econometrics Review, 39(9), 930-946.

9.      Lin J.* and X. Wu2017. "A Sequential Test for the Specification of Predictive Densities", Econometrics Journal, 20: 190-220.

10.      Lin J. and X. Wu*, 2015. "Smooth Tests of Copula Specifications", Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 33, 128-143.

11.    Wang, L., Z. Liang*, J. Lin and Q. Li, 2015. "Local Constant Kernel Estimation of a Partially Linear Varying Coefficient Cointegration Model", Annals of Economics and Finance, 16-2, 353-369.

12.    Li, Q.*, J. Lin and J.S. Racine, 2013. "Optimal Bandwidth Selection for Nonparametric Conditional Distribution and Quantile Functions", Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 31, 57-65.

13.    Gu, J.*, J. Lin and D. Liu, 2011. "Estimating the Average Treatment Effect Based on Direct Estimation of the Conditional Treatment Effect", Advances in Econometrics, 27, 289-311.

14.   林娟陈海强*, 林青基于模型平均方法的中国产出增长和通货膨胀密度预测 《管理科学学报》,已接受 

15.   林娟,柳军利*. 在岸和离岸人民币汇率传导机制的动态非线性研究.《系统工程学报》已接受

16.   贺力平,林娟论外汇投资中的估值效应及其经济影响.《金融评论》. 2011  6 

17.   贺力平,林娟. 试析国际金融危机与全球经济失衡的关系 --- 兼评伯南克-保尔森金融危机外因论”.《国际金融研究》2009  5 



    1. "Measuring China's macroeconomic uncertainty based on density forecast and its application,'/old_en/info/1113/' National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.72173107), RMB 480,000, Principal investigator, 2022.01-2025.12.
    2. "Nonparametric Estimation of risk neutral density function and its application,''  Humanities and Social Science Youth Foundation, Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China (No.20YJC790071), RMB 80,000, Principal investigator, 2020.3-2023.3.
    3. "Testing for correct specification of conditional predictive densities with application to the forecasts of China's main economic indicators,'' National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.71501164), RMB 185,000, Principal investigator, 2016.1-2018.12.