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Xue, Jianpo


The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ph.D. in Economics


Email:jpxue (AT) xmu.edu.cn


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Dr. Jianpo Xue is a Professor at WISE and School of Economics, Xiamen University. Before joining WISE, he worked as an Associate Professor and the Deputy Head of Department of Public Finance at School of Finance, Renmin University of China. He got a Ph.D. from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2008 and worked as a Research Associate there for two years. His main research interests are in macroeconomics with the focus on fiscal policy, economic growth, monetary economics, and Chinese economy. His research has been published in the refereed journals as Journal of International Economics, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Economic Theory, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Macroeconomic Dynamics, etc. He serves as the associate editor for Journal of Macroeconomics, and the China Economic Studies (Chinese). 



A. Refereed Journals

[1] Kevin X.D. Huang, Qinglai Meng and Jianpo Xue, “Adjustment of Factor Income Tax Rates and Aggregate (In)stability", Macroeconomic Dynamics, forthcoming. 

[2] Kevin X.D. Huang, Fengqi Liu, Qinglai Meng and Jianpo Xue, "Keeping Up with the Joneses and the Consumption Response to Government Spending", Economics Letters 220, 2022, 110869. 

[3] Jianpo Xue, Chong K. Yip and Junwei Zheng, "Innovation Capability, Credit Constraint and the Cyclicality of R&D Investment", Economics Letters 199, 2021, 109725. 

[4] Kevin X.D. Huang, Qinglai Meng and Jianpo Xue, “Money Growth Targeting and Indeterminacy in Small Open Economies”, Economic Theory 68, 2019, 499-535.

[5] Jianpo Xue and Chong K. Yip, “Balanced-Budget Rules and Aggregate Instability: The Role of Consumption Taxes in a Monetary Economy”, Pacific Economic Review 24, 2019, 403-415.

[6] Kevin X.D. Huang, Qinglai Meng and Jianpo Xue, “Balanced-Budget Rules and Aggregate Instability: The Role of Endogenous Capital Utilization”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 50, 2018, 1669-1709. (Lead article)

[7] Jianpo Xue and Chong K. Yip, “Home Production, Consumption Taxation and Economic Stability”, Journal of Macroeconomics 56, 2018, 231-242.

[8] Kevin X.D. Huang, Qinglai Meng and Jianpo Xue, “Balanced-Budget Income Taxes and Aggregate Stability in a Small Open Economy”, Journal of International Economics 105, 2017, 90-101.

[9] Qinglai Meng and Jianpo Xue, “Balanced-Budget Consumption Taxes and Aggregate Stability in a Small Open Economy”, Economics Letters 137, 2015, 214-217.

[10] Jianpo Xue and Chong K. Yip, “Balanced-Budget Rules, Elasticity of Substitution and Macroeconomic (In)Stability”, Journal of Public Economic Theory 17, 2015, 196-218.

[11] Jianpo Xue and Chong K. Yip, “Factor Substitution and Taxation in a Finance Constrained Economy”, Journal of Mathematical Economics 55, 2014, 101-112.

[12] Jianpo Xue and Chong K. Yip, “Aggregate Elasticity of Substitution and Economic Growth: A Synthesis”, Journal of Macroeconomics 38, 2013, 60-75.

[13] Bruce McGough, Qinglai Meng and Jianpo Xue, “Expectational Stability of Sunspot Equilibria in Non-Convex Economies”, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 37, 2013, 1126-1141.

[14] Jianpo Xue and Chong K. Yip, “Factor Substitution and Economic Growth: A Unified Approach”, Macroeconomic Dynamics 16, 2012, 625-656.

[15] Kevin X.D. Huang, Qinglai Meng and Jianpo Xue, “Is Forward-Looking Inflation Targeting Destabilizing? The Role of Policy's Response to Current Output under Endogenous Investment”. Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 33, 2009, 409-430.

  B. Book Chapters

[1] Theodore Palivos, Jianpo Xue and Chong K. Yip, “Illegal Immigration, Factor Substitution and Economic Growth”, in de La Grandville (ed.), Frontiers of Economics and Globalization 11, 2011, 455-482.



2016.1-2019.12 Research Fund, Renmin University of China, Principle, RMB 80,000.

2013.1-2015.12 Beijing Young Elite Research Fund, Principal, RMB 150,000.

2012.1-2014.12 National Natural Science Foundation of China, Principal, RMB 190,000.

2011.6-2013.6 Research Fund, Renmin University of China, Principal, RMB 20,000.