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Cai, Xiqian


Ph.D. in Economics




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Professor Professor Phone 2182926
Email caixiqian@xmu.edu.cn Office B309
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Homepage http://xiqiancai.weebly.com/ Job Ph.D. in Economics

个人简介 研究成果 研究项目


Professor at School of Economics & Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE), Xiamen University, October 2020-Present

Associate Professor at School of Economics & Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE), Xiamen University, November 2018-October 2020

Assistant Professor at School of Economics & Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE), Xiamen University, September 2015-October 2018



Ph.D., Economics, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2011–2015

M.A., Economics, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2009-2011

B.A., Economics, Xiamen University, China, 2005-2009



Labor Economics; Experimental Economics; Applied Microeconometrics; Chinese Economy




Labor Economics; Experimental Economics; Applied Microeconometrics; Chinese Economy


1. "Negative emotions increase unhealthy eating: Evidence from the Wuhan lockdown during COVID‐19."(with Junjie Wu, Wenchao Xu and Jialiang Zhu), Health Economics, forthcoming


2. "Adding up peer beliefs: Experimental and field evidence on the effect of peer influence on math performance."(with Sherry Wu), Psychological Science, 2023, 34(8): 851-862.

3. "Assessing Inequality in the School Closure Response to COVID-19." (with Jingcheng Fu, Mengna Luan and Xiangming Tang), China Economic Review, 2023: 102008.

4. "The Impact of Only Child Peers on Students' Cognitive and Non-cognitive Outcomes." (with Qingliang Fan and Congying Yuan), Labour Economics, 2022,78, 102231.

5. "Pay for performance schemes and manufacturing worker productivity: Evidence from a kinked design in China," (with Wei Jiang, Hong Song and Huihua Xie), Journal of Development Economics, 156 (2022): 102840.

6.  "Gender Gap under Pressure: Performance and Reaction to Shocks," (with Yi Lu, Jessica Pan and Songfa Zhong), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2019, 101(2): 249-263.

7. "The Impact of Temperature on Manufacturing Worker Productivity: Evidence from Personnel Data," (with Yi Lu and Jin Wang), Journal of Comparative Economics, 2018, 46(4): 889-905.

8. "Recover Overnight? Work Interruption and Worker Productivity," (with Jie Gong, Yi Lu and Songfa Zhong), Management Science, Vol 64, Issue 8, (August 2018) pp. 3489-3500. Featured Article of August Issue 

9. "Does Environmental Regulation Drive away Inbound Foreign Direct Investment? Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment in China", (with Yi Lu, Mingqin Wu and Linhui Yu), Journal of Development Economics (November 2016), Vol. 123, 73-85.


Journal Publication (in Chinese)

1.  "电子政务能提高企业投资效率吗?——基于电子政务县级试点的准自然实验," 与徐霞合作,《经济管理》,2021,43(11):176-192.

2. “'稳外资'助推'稳就业'”.与张婷,高德婷,谢申祥合作,《财贸经济》,2021,42(06):104-118.

3.  “开放经济体系中劳动者的工资议价能力,” 与谢申祥,陆毅合作,《中国社会科学》2019(05):40-59+205-206

4. “中间品生产企业的谈判势力与出口政策,” 与谢申祥合作,《世界经济》20183月,pp.80-100。(山东省第三十四届社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖)



Working Paper


1. "Does a Sea Fishing Legacy Explain Differences in Risk Attitudes and Entrepreneurship?" (with Lata Gangadharan, Yi Lu and Xiaojian Zhao)

2. "Do Judges Exhibit Gender Bias? Evidence from the Universe of Divorce Cases in China" (with Pei Li, Yi Lu and Hong Song)

3. "Daily Air Quality Influences Attitudes toward Environmental Pollution." (with Yi Lu and Songfa Zhong)

4. "First in the Village or Second in Rome? Evidence from Elite Professional Basketball Players." (with Qingliang Fan and Congying Yuan)

5. "When Trade Discourages Political Favoritism: Evidence from China," (with Yi Lu and Lianming Zhu)

6. "A Field Investigation on Religiosity and Risk-taking Behavior," (with Wilbur Lua Wei Liang and Songfa Zhong)

 1.     National Science Foundation of China for Excellent Young Scholars, “Behavior and Decision-making”, RMB 1,200,000, 01/2021-12/2023.

2.     National Science Foundation of China, “The effect of trade Liberalization on Resources Reallocation Underthe Heterogeneous Firm Framework: Theoretical Model and China's Experience.” RMB 190,000, 01/2018-12/2021.