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Meng, Lina

Associate Professor

The Chinese University of Hong Kong




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Professor Associate Professor Phone 0592-2187513
Email lnmeng(at)xmu.edu.cn Office
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Homepage Job The Chinese University of Hong Kong

个人简介 研究成果 研究项目

Academic Employment:

Associate Professor at Institute of Economics, School of Economics, and Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics,Xiamen University, August 2020-present
Assistant Professor at Institute of Economics, School of Economics, and Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics,January 2015 -July 2020 

2010 - 2014, Ph. D. in Geography and Resource Management, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
2012.2 - 2012.6 Academic Visitor in Research, Yale School of Forest and Environment, Yale University
2012.6 - 2012.8 Visiting Ph.D. Candidate, Copernicus Institute, Utrecht University
2010 MPhil in Land Use and Resource Management, China University of Geosciences
2007 B.S. in Land Use and Resource Management, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China
2007 LL.B. in Law, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China

Research Interests:
Regional economics, Urbanization and sustainable development.


[1] Beyond Proximity: Is Easy Accessibility to Urban Parks Always Good?, with Lu Liu, Yinggang Zhou, Journal of Housing Economics, 2023, forthcoming.

[12] The Impact of Wind Energy on Plant Biomass Production in China, with Li Gao, Qingyang Wu, Jixiang Qiu, Yingdan Mei, Yiran Yao, Pengfei Liu.  Scientific Reports, 2023, forthcoming.

[11] Do Housing booms Reduce Fertility Intentions? Evidence from the New Two-Child Policy in China, with Lu Peng, Yinggang Zhou. Regional Science and Urban Economics2023, 101: 103920.

[10] Evaluate the Impacts of Wind Farm Facilities on Land Values with Geographically-linked Microdata in China. with Yingdan Mei, Pengfei Liu, and Lu Lin, Environmental and Resource Economics, 2023, Accepted.

[9] The effectiveness and costs of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 containment: A border discontinuous difference-in-difference approach, with Yongheng Deng, Yinggang Zhou. China Economic Review, 2022, 75(10): 101849.

[8] Spatial temporal patterns of summer urban islands and their economic implications in Beijing, with Lu Lin, Yingdan Mei, Wenting Zhang, Hui Liu, Weiling Xiang. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29: 33361-33371.

[7] Housing boom and crowding-out effects on labor: New evidence from China, 2021, with Xiao Xiao, Yinggang Zhou. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2023, 63(30): 453-479.

[6] Does residents care about urban dumps? Evidence from individual housing transaction data, with Yingdan Mei, Jixiang Qiu, Jialu Wu. Land Use Policy, 2021, 10: 105604.

[5] The Patterns of urban sprawl from the global perspective. with Lu Liu. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2020, 146(2). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000558.

[4] Impacts of booming economic growth and urbanization on carbon dioxide emissions in Chinese megalopolises over 1985-2010: An index decomposition analysis. with Graus, W., Worrell, E., Huang, B. Energy Efficiency, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s12053-017-9559-7.

[3] Shaping the relationship between economic development and carbon dioxide emissions at a local level: A spatial econometrics approach. with Huang, Bo. Environmental and Resource Economics, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/S10640-017-0139-2. 

[2] Estimating CO2 emissions at urban scales by DMSP/OLS nighttime light imagery: Methodological challenges and a case study for China. with Graus, W., Worrell, E., Huang, B. Energy, 2014, 71, 468 - 478. 

[1] Convergence of per capita carbon dioxide emissions in urban China: a spatio temporal perspective. with Huang, B.  Applied Geography, 2013, 40, 21-29.



[6] 污染信息公开与公众的回应:来自房地产市场的证据。与余华义,陈琦悦合作,经济学(季刊),录用待刊.

[5] 城市包容性与劳动力的创业选择:基于流动人口的微观视角。与周颖刚,林雪萍合作,财贸经济2020年第1.

[4]高房价挤出了谁:基于中国流动人口的微观视角。与周颖刚,卢琪合作,经济研究2019. 被人大复印报刊资料《统计与精算》(202001期),《中国社会科学文摘》(202001期)全文转载,获福建省第十四届社会科学优秀成果奖。


[2] 区域城镇点轴系统空间结构的分形模型,地理科学进展2010年第06期,与郑新奇,赵璐,李志建,杨鑫合作。

[1] 发达国家污染场地再开发实践经验对北京市的启示,资源与产业2009年第09期,与郑新奇,王淑晴合作。


Working Papers:

[1] Effects of Expanding Wind Turbines on Bird Population, 2023, with Pengfei Liu, Yinggang Zhou, Yingdan Mei. Submitted.

[2] Pricing the climate change risk: The effect of floods on municipal corporate bonds in China, 2023, with Yongheng Deng.

[3] Pricing the Flood Risk: Evidence from the Real Estate Market in China, 2023, with Yongheng Deng, Lu Lin, Submitted.

[4] High Temperature and Increasing Victims: Evidence from China, 2023, with Zihao Yi, Submitted.



The National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grand No. 41501586. PI, 2016-2018.
The Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China, Grand No. 2016J05106, PI, 2016-2019.
The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, PI, 2015-2017.