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About Us


Welcome to the School of Economics (SOE) at Xiamen University. As one of the top centers for teaching and research on economics and finance in the country, SOE is privileged to welcome numerous domestic and international students and scholars each year.


Founded in 1921, the Department of Economics at XMU became China’s first School of Economics (SOE) in 1981. Ever since its establishment, the SOE has not only maintained its leading edge in economic research in China, but has also forged ahead towards its goal of being an internationally recognized center for teaching and research. The SOE not only offers students rich courses on modern economics, econometrics and finance taught by distinguished faculty, but also provides innovative programs tailored to different career goals, excellent study abroad opportunities, sophisticated information technology services and fascinating teaching and research experiences.


Currently, the SOE is composed of 5 departments and 3 research centers, including Department of Economics, Department of Statistics, Department of Finance, Department of Public Finance, Department of International Economics and Trade, Institute of Economics, Center for Macroeconomic Research and Center of China Energy Economics Research (CCEER). In total, there are 10 undergraduate majors, 30 master’s degree majors and 22 doctoral degree majors.



Research and teaching are the two pillars of economics at Xiamen University and begin with our talented faculty. In recent years, a number of outstanding PhD graduates from prestigious universities abroad have further strengthened our research and teaching. The SOE currently has 183 full-time faculty members, of whom 65 are professors and 75 are associate professors.



The SOE realizes that teaching the next generation of economists is our highest priority. Whether undergraduate or PhD students, quality instruction is an utmost concern. With such a focus, it should come as no surprise that our talented faculty members have been granted various awards for teaching, including prominent national level awards.



Since 2002, we have witnessed a sharp rise in the publication of articles, monographs, and textbooks. Noteworthy journals our faculty members have published in include Annals of Statistics, Econometrica, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Quarterly Journal Economics, Journal of Labor Economics and Management Science.


In addition to publishing, our faculty is also engaged in various national research projects. Since 2006, 69 of these projects have been funded by the Social Science Foundation of China and 58 by the Natural Science Foundation of China.


According to the 2015 Tilburg University Worldwide Economics Schools Research Ranking, we are ranked among the top 4 in China and Number 16 in Asia in the amount of published articles in prestigious international publications from 2011 to 2015. This is an increase from the previous rank of 23 from 2008 to 2012.



Our students are an invaluable asset to the school and we are extremely proud of their accomplishments. We recruit top students in terms of academic achievements and future potential. Most students are admitted with high college entrance exam scores and leave equipped with the tools for success in all kinds of fields. Their assiduous efforts and our student-centered focus combine together to render graduates with high distinction among their peers.


The SOE is the largest school within Xiamen University. We have 2163 undergraduate students, 1088 master’s degree students, and 181 doctoral students.


Not only are students challenged in the classroom, but they are also given ample opportunities to experience the adventures of university life. Social service opportunities, sporting activities, and academic competitions are just some of the ways our students stay active outside of the classroom.


Our graduates include China’s prominent leaders in governmental, business and academic sectors and are sought after by the leading professional employers. Sixty percent of Xiamen University graduates employed by Fortune 500 companies are graduates of the SOE. The extensive alumni network enjoyed by the school has helped it to forge relations with a wide range of industries. Consequently organizations across the nation are keen to employ our graduates.



Academic Cooperation

The SOE has established cooperative relations with universities in countries such as Germany, Britain, the US, Japan, Australia and Singapore as well as regions including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Many faculty members have spent periods abroad and have extensive relations with universities and scholars throughout the world. Every week we welcome visitors from partner universities.



The SOE endeavors to provide a platform for international exchange and facilitation for academic collaborations under the theme of “internationalization”. Since 2005, we have hosted several notable international academic conferences. Hundreds of eminent scholars from across the globe have been welcomed to deliver speeches at these conferences. In addition to inviting notable scholars to visit our school, we are also active in sending out scholars to take part in joint research projects, further their studies and attend various international research conferences.


In recent years we have been honored to welcome many Nobel laureates.


The extensive international connections formed over years of cooperation with various institutes and scholars allow SOE to host dozens of guest lectures each semester. All students are encouraged to take advantage of learning from these scholars, who come from all over the world.



Whether it is Chinese students from SOE going abroad, or international students enrolled in a semester or degree program at our school, we clearly recognize the importance of providing international study opportunities for students at SOE.


Student Exchanges

The SOE aims to endow students with global perspectives. To this end, we have created various exchange student networks and maintain close and friendly relations with world-renowned educational institutions by conducting bilateral and multilateral cooperation. Each year, dozens of undergraduate students study abroad for a summer, semester, or whole academic year. Likewise, as more international students realize the increasing importance of China, we are beginning to welcome various students on short-term, semester, or year-long exchanges.


Study Abroad Degree Options

In 2010, the SOE cooperated with the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, the University College Dublin, the University of Cincinnati and the University of Adelaide to establish new SOE Study Abroad Programs. For the very first time, students from the SOE were offered the chance to experience a western education during their undergraduate studies, obtaining double degrees from Xiamen University and our overseas partners. We are proud to say that these students have integrated into the local cultures in their host countries, excelling both within and outside of the classroom.


International Students

International students are another treasure of SOE. Since the International Master’s Programs were initiated in 2007, more than 110 students from 40 countries around the world have entered advanced degree programs taught fully in English. Currently there are over 50 international students studying here and their presence adds an important intercultural dimension and vibrancy to life and study at our school. Joining with their Chinese counterparts, these international students acquire knowledge and challenge themselves by putting what they learn into a real-world setting.